During the normal school year many children qualify for the free breakfast and lunch program and are able to receive both breakfast and lunch while at school. However, once the Summer is here they do not get that benefit and their families may struggle to provide those additional meals at home.

Promises provides that additional food. The program is called Kids Eat Free (KEF) and each family is provided a bag for the household and each school aged child is provided a bag full of groceries that they can prepare themselves to get both breakfast and lunch for a week. Our program is each Wednesday, from June 12th through August the 7th; between noon and 1:30pm. This is a drive through event so that parents could do this while on their lunch hour. They are provided with a card to show how many children they have that qualify and once they drive through our volunteers will place the appropriate number of bags in their car. 

This program takes a very large amount of food, and we welcome all who would like to help. You can use the list attached that shows what we need and then drop them off at Promises any day Monday through Thursday, between 9am and 2:45pm. We take donations up until July. 

It is awesome to see the children and how excited they get when handed their own bag of food to eat for the week. It is as much a blessing to us as it is to the families. Mothers tell us all the time I do not know what we would do during the Summer if not for this program. 


Pop Tarts

Granola/Cereal bars

Canned Ravioli/spaghetti

Canned Soup

Canned Tuna

Canned Chicken

Snack Pack Cookies/Crackers

Ramen Noodles

Peanut Butter

Jelly (grape or strawberry)



Fruit Cups

Juice (box/pouch)

Mac & Cheese

Fruit snacks (gummies)

Promises Community Ministry serves the community of Johnson County and residents within the Burleson Independent School District by providing food and limited financial assistance. Our staff of Licensed Professional Counselors offers Faith-based counseling to individuals and families. First Burleson contains several LIFE Groups who are made up of individuals, families, and Bible study classes, who help meet special requests of our neighbors. LIFE Groups are an example of the Christian discipleship that is central to the mission of Promises Community Ministry. We believe that each person is created in the image of Christ and deserves dignity and respect, so a foundational thread of unconditional love is woven throughout all services offered. We pray that all who receive care from Promises Community Ministry experience the love of Christ.

We Love Our Volunteers The staff of Promises is made up almost entirely of volunteers. Our volunteers give selflessly of their time, talents, wisdom and skill to serve those in need in our community. If you would like to learn more, feel free to call us at 817-295-9384.

Hours of Promises Community Ministries - Food Pantry

